159 owner

An owner is an entity that claims control over a particular resource. Note that ownership is best validated as a two-way relationship where the owner claims ownership over a particular resource, and the resource clearly identifies its owner.Scope Note
ActivityPub CommunityExample
The example below shows a cryptographic key that is owned by an entity identified by a URL. Presumably, this key is under the control of the owner and can be used to infer that any digitally signed content using the key was signed by a software agent of the owner:
"@context": "https://w3id.org/security/v1",
"@id": "https://payswarm.example.com/i/bob/keys/1",
"@type": "Key",
"owner": "https://payswarm.example.com/i/bob",
"publicKeyPem": "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----